Dome LR’s multi-sport camp the place to be for sports-loving kids


By Dome Louis-Riel

Does your young athlete have trouble choosing just one sport? They can have it all at the Dome Louis-Riel’s Multi-Sport Summer Camp!

Let them explore all their sports passions – soccer, badminton, swimming, volleyball, basketball, touch football, track & field, and many more!

The camps align with Sport Canada’s Long-Term Athlete Development philosophies, which encourage young athletes to participate in a wide variety of sports to build their motor skills – all offered in a fun, safe and entertaining environment.

“They get to try a lot of sports – it’s not always the same one,” underlines Dome manager Sophie Anderson, whose camp staff includes many talented and knowledgeable graduates/upper-year students from Louis-Riel high school’s renowned Sports-Study program. All are bilingual.

“If the kids speak to us in English, we’ll answer in English, and if they speak French, we’ll answer in French,” adds Anderson. “So it’s a great environment for kids to be exposed to both languages during the summer, and parents certainly also enjoy that our fees are much lower than other options.”

All camps include Friday pizza lunch and 2 swim sessions. Special this year is the July 8-12 week when participants join the Barça Academy Ottawa soccer camp for 2 days (and they’ll get to keep their own academy uniform!)

“The Barça brand is known across the globe, so the kids are always really excited to put that badge on their chest,” Anderson highlights.

The camp’s Mini-Olympics competitions are always a hit, with endless smiles and cheers.

“Of course, everyone gets pumped up for the Olympics,” Anderson adds, “so there’s really nowhere better to ignite kids’ spirit for sport than right here.”

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